Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Na'a Family (Manu & Lotu)

This session here is of my brother Manu and his beautiful family! Manu is the oldest of 10. The most humble guy I know! In his family there is, Manu, Lotu, William, Vaka, Taiana, & Tahlia. His son William is the oldest Grandchild in my family! I can't believe he's gonna be a Senior in High School next year! Manu and Lotu was the first family photoshoot I took that day. It was about 10am. We weren't sure if we were gonna be able to take anyone's photos because it was supposed to rain. I woke  up that day around 8am and I saw how nice it was outside. I texted Lotu right away and asked her if they wanted to take their photos still and she got right on it and said YES! She got her family ready and was ready to take pictures by 10! I had so much time to take their photos while we waited for my parents and my other brother's family. Im so happy that I was able to take their photos! Being that everything was so last minute, they came out so nice! Thank you Na'a Family for taking time out of your morning/day to come out and take pictures! I love how supportive everyone was to help pursue my passion! Love you all! Hope you all enjoy the photos! Thank you

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