Monday, March 2, 2015

The Afu Family (Sini & Connie)

First session on the blog is of my my brother Sini and his beautiful family, Connie, Lesina, & Isaiah. Photos were taken in Downtown Long Beach, next to the Lighthouse and the Queen Mary. On our way to take their photos, surprisingly I was pretty calm. I was just really excited to start taking photos of my brother's family but nervous because I didn't know how they would turn out. Especially because I am a beginner. I tried my hardest to capture such memorial pictures for them and I'm so happy I was able to! Lesina was so energetic. She was ALWAYS ready to take her picture taken. I swear she's a natural. Her brother Isaiah was having so much fun running around and I enjoyed watching him laugh and just having the time of his life. I tried my hardest to catch moments of him laughing or anything of him staring at the camera. I had to have my A game on because he's autistic. His parents kept telling me when we were taking their group photo, that having a family photo of him looking is perfect. He makes my heart melt! I was not stressed or anything, because he's my nephew and I love him for who he is! #TEAMISAIAH! Thank you Afu Family for being so patient with me and taking the time to take pictures with me so I could praticed. I had a blast! Love you all!

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